Sunday, November 28, 2010

Over done it……

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I have over done it this year for sure!  On Wednesday the night before Thanksgiving my family and I went to my sister n law’s for Thanksgiving dinner; this is a tradition she started several years ago.  She is a wonderful cook and I always enjoy eating with them.  We had all the fixings and as usual everything was wonderful!!

On Thanksgiving day at noon we went to my mother n laws for Thanksgiving dinner.  My husbands birthday is November 28th and it’s always tradition that we have birthday cake – white cake, red trim and roses.
At three we went to my sisters for dinner – AGAIN!  By this time I was about to explode, but….I didn’t stop.  I ate again then we sat around and spent time together.

               My sister and her son.
          My nephews and daughter – Jonathan, Heather and Joey
                        Me, Mom and My sister
I am almost 100% sure I gained about 5pds this Thanksgiving, but that’s ok – I had a great time doing it!!

Did anyone go out on Black Friday?  Yep, the hubby and I did.  We left the house at 4:45am.  The first stop was Wal-Mart; Then I dropped off the hubby at Lowe’s.   While he was in Lowes I went to Office Depot to get a camera that was on sale for my mother for Christmas.  I have to say we got everything we went after and then some! Yipee………

Today is my hubby’s birthday – we spent the day at the Mall and then went out to dinner. 

Hubby and his brother. ( hubby in uniform – yep, he had to work Thanksgiving day. It was all good, he got to eat and spend time with the family)             

Monday, November 8, 2010

What a weekend……

This past weekend was wonderful! I took the day off work Friday and that evening we had our family pictures.  I don’t know how well they will turn out, honestly I don’t have a good feeling about it.  We didn’t have much daylight hours to work with.  Due to my daughter’s work schedule we didn’t get to make our appointment until 5:30p and due to the weather and overcast it made for a dreary day.  But we will see, maybe a retake….

Saturday I didn’t even get out of my p.j.’s and it was nice.  The hubby had to work and I had the den all to myself.  I wish I could say I laid on the couch all day but that didn’t happen. I got caught up on my ironing and watched t.v.

Sunday I spend the afternoon with my mom and sister.  It was nice. October 31st was my  mothers birthday.  We didn’t get to celebrate on that day so we decided to meet Sunday, November 7th.  Me and mom met my sister and her oldest son at Applebee’s and we ate lunch and visited for a couple of hours.  Then we decided to take some snapshots and have a little fun…

My sister and mom, acting silly….


The staff at Applebee's brought out this and sang Happy Birthday  …
Mom and my nephew, Jonathan.  I’m not sure what she said, but it must have been funny…

Mom and Me….
Happy Birthday Mom, Luv U!!

Pam ~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello Again….

Hello Again.  I started this blog and then went MIA after only one post.  I am still trying to figure this all out without getting frustrated.

I have been so busy since my last post….Here is a preview of what I have been up to since my last/first post….

      Class Work

I have been working on my bachelors degree. This was my last semester and my classes were pretty full and intense as they were only eight weeks long and not your typical four months.

Labor Day Weekend was our annual “Pioneer Festival”.  It’s starts on Friday with a street Dance


and then on Saturday and Sunday we have arts,crafts and food vendors set up at one of our local parks.  There is a talent show and lots of arts and crafts shopping.   I bought this little fellow this year at the festival.  Isn't he a cutie!! He sits out front in my landscape.                                   104_1122

Sunday evening we usually have someone from the country music industry perform with several locals (sorry, I cant remember who it was this year).  I usually don’t go to this because of the crowd, its really hard to get in and out of the park.  Then on Monday we top it off with a Labor Day Parade.  All of this was in September.

October was just as busy.  I spent the first two weeks finishing the semester and I am happy to say that I have finally completed it!! Congrats to me….it has taken me a very long time to accomplish this goal. The best part about the whole thing….it’s paid for – no college tuition to pay back!! I went part time and the company I work for paid for it.

My mother and my sister-in-law both had birthday’s in October.  And there was Halloween.  This year was the first year I did not give out Halloween candy.  I just didn’t have enough trick or treaters last year to do it this year.  I ended up going over my good friends and we gave out candy at her house.  I miss the days when my daughter use to dress up.

Well, that wraps up the last two months for me.  I am going to try and not stay away so long.  November is proving to  be a very busy month so far…..

Have a good one!
